Struggles of A Book Blogger (A Sort of Beginners Guide… Maybe)


Trust me I have been there and I am still trying to figure out The Blogsphere of a book blogger, I haven’t been in the game that long but so far, I have come across some minor challenges. I think we can all agree it isn’t easy especially for those who dare to dip their toes and put their thoughts out there to be judged or even go unnoticed

“If you show someone something you’ve written, you give them a sharpened stake, lie down in your coffin, and say, ‘When you’re ready’.”

I am going to share a bit of my experience on book blogging and just blogging in general thus far. Hope it will be insightful or relatable


Isolating (At First)

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It can be a bit lonely when you start, I felt like I was shouting into a void, hoping that by some miracle anybody would answer me.

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But it did get better, I have heard a fair amount of interaction in some of my post and that has made the experience less Isolating. If you feel like a wallflower, I would definitely urge you to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to other fellow book bloggers, after all, it’s such a welcoming community. It will encourage you to be more active

How to Make a Quiet Blog More Interactive

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Anxiety Inducing Experience

I was super terrified when the blogging idea sort of popped up in my head absolutely terrified

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I had to really push myself and commit to it for 6 months before it normalised itself. From grammar mistakes to time management and everything in between it was so crazy and my anxiety was through the roof but once I calmed down and decided to have fun with the process everything flowed smoothly.

So just be yourself and have fun

Let’s Make Blogging Fun Again

Let’s Make Blogging Fun Again



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With any new field, be it photography, writing etc. You will always find experienced and well-established people who are way better at it and you might feel like an underdog. At some point, you might ask yourself “what is the point” trust me I have been there. I always remind myself that

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Your contribution towards the topic at hand is valuable because we all have very different views regarding various subjects especially books. So rather than treating yourself like an underdog, just chime in and be yourself, seek inspiration from the experienced bloggers and produce content that shows your true self.


Time Management

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This one that really gets out of hand on extreme levels, apart from blogging I am a student, I have a list of TV shows to catch up on and I tend to lack the motivation to do anything other than lounge around. It is one that definitely needs discipline.

7 Time Management Blogs That Will Make You More Efficient

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I read somewhere that once you start blogging it never stops and I can definitely see why that is true, to find the time to sit down to compose a post with all the life distractions can be a real challenge so I always set an hour a day to compose or to come with ideas for blog post and then I just jot down points and schedule them to make sure that I actually post on the day I’m supposed to post. It has taught me to be discipline, organise my day to day life and utilise every moment. Especially when you have a million books to read

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Here is an important article you should check out Importance of Time Management


Lack of Words (Writers Block)

I generally post bookish post, books I have read, books I want to read, recommendations etc. But sometimes I just lack the words and it can be so annoying.

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Example you just finished this book and you have strong feelings surrounding it (be it positive or negative) so you open the laptop and when you are about to type your mind just goes blank

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It is a challenge and I tend to have short term memory so If I don’t compose a book review a day after reading the book, I forget major points and my reviews suffer. I have been trying various things to help me remember small details like jotting down certain points while I read or book tabs but I always feel a certain pressure when composing book reviews. I would also suggest reading other people’s reviews to sort of getting inspiration to compose.

Yes, it can be intimidating and has more challenges that I haven’t covered

Another Blog Post on the subject

The struggles of being a book blogger

I am still learning even after blogging for a year, still far from calling myself an expert. If you have any urge to start a book blog or any blog for that matter go ahead start it, share your thoughts be true to yourself and just have fun because at the end of the day books are meant you unite and form strong connections.

What are some of the problems about blogging that really grinds your gears?


So until next time stay Bookish 😉








10 thoughts on “Struggles of A Book Blogger (A Sort of Beginners Guide… Maybe)

  1. This is such a great post, Bill, thanks so much for this! I think I’ve googled all those things too! I only started in January this year but I spent a long time before that just thinking about setting up a blog and it sounded scary to me too haha. Especially when I thought about all the different blogs I have attempted to run through the years but that have gone unnoticed. I’m really pleased with how well the blog has performed after 3-4 months, but in my case it definitely helped to come from IG, and the blog just sort of became a branching out thing for me, if that makes sense. I think it would have taken much longer to start completely from scratch. That said, I found that it really helps being active – follow other blogs, like/comment on posts, and I don’t know, just make an effort with the posts ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for actually reading xD I totally understand where you are coming from it is scary even after a year I am still nervous when I post… I don’t think my nerves will ever be calm but the experiences of talking about books and getting feed back is really amazing and meeting like minded bibliophiles it’s just so good. Makes the whole experience together with the challenges worth it 🙂 Yes I nstagram has been a great motivator and thanks to that I got to meet awesome humans like you and so many others… 100% with you on the make an effort it will be worth it in the end 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I think posting something online and in social media will always make me a bit nervous, every time I make a post, whether it’s here or on IG, I always just completely leave it for an hour or two and don’t look at it XD But I agree, I do love the feedback and getting to know people through book blogging. I think as long as you have fun with it and don’t spend too much time focusing on stuff like follower count and likes or whatever (I just see a lot of accounts always talking about this on IG) then it will surely pay off in the end!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I started my blog somewhere around 4 years ago and it was scary at first, but I’ve made some great ‘friends’ online. Haven’t thought about Underdog in years – loved the pic!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. YES YES YES! I totally agree with all your book blogger struggles. I’m a newbie to book blogging and I’ve found that time management is one of the hardest obstacles that I have been struggling to overcome. Between reading books, thinking about books, blogging about books, commenting on others’ blogs about books… there seems to be little time left for social interaction, let alone school and work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am now one year into it blogging and I am still trying to balance everything but hopefully we will get a hang of it soon 🙂 Welcome to the community, I can’t wait to check out your post and hope you get a hang of it soon

      Liked by 1 person

  4. well am new in this world of blogging and it definitely is scary, but at the same too exciting. i started thinking of beginning a blog a year ago but somehow i could not do it but after months of experiencing a writers block on this novel, i decided what the heck, this may actually bring back my writing mojo. your blog has to an large extend showed me it was the right decision, so thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words 😅 They definitely encouraged me to continue blogging, especially since I’m not the best writer 😂 I’m so glad you decided to start one because majority of people get cold feet and it’s definitely not an easy task but once you start and connect with other fellow bloggers or passionate people the experience is so amazing 🙌


      1. am happy that i have helped you in any way no matter how small it is… and since i have met you i have a small favour to ask of you if you wont deem it a big deal….help me grow like you in this world of blogging because you have so much more experience than i …am the newbie… just a few tips here and there will be very helpful. thanks.


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